
75 Positive Affirmations for Children to Try Right Now

affirmations for children

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Positive affirmations are words that you speak to yourself to remind yourself that you are important. Positive affirmations for children are becoming increasingly popular, and ever so important.  

In the last few months, I have been able to see the benefits of positive affirmations in my own mind.  As I have been learning how to battle emotional issues, I have come across several affirmations that have helped my mindset.  It has taken me years to realize that the way I talk to myself affects everything I do.  The more positive I am with myself and those around me, the better my day goes. 

 It has been challenging to figure out the best way to communicate with my mind in a positive, productive way.  I can’t imagine what some of these kids are going through. Children are bombarded with many activities, problems, and emotions.  Life is difficult and these young human beings don’t have all the tools yet to handle what is being thrown at them.  This article will teach you some tools that will help children have more positive and productive thoughts.  Positive affirmations will help children cope with the negative thoughts that are constantly attacking them in this world.

Positive affirmations have been proven to develop higher self-esteem, more self-confidence, improve overall mood, increase well-being, and help cultivate a more positive self-image.  Not only will these affirmations help us and our children, but as we grow and develop these skills, we will share them with those we encounter.  The world will become a more positive place.

How do we help our children face the struggles they face every day?  Here are some ideas that will help you and your children tackle the emotional battle we all face.

This post is all about positive affirmations for children. 

positive affirmations

How to Incorporate Positive Affirmations for Children

1. Use Positive Speech

As a child, I loved listening to my parents say good things about me.  It let me know that my parents loved me, plus it gave me confidence.  I loved that they thought enough of me and my accomplishments, to share with their friends. Speak positively to your children, and about your children.

2. Teach Positive Affirmations for Children

Talk with your child and help them make up their own affirmations. An affirmation that works for one person may not work for another.  It is important that children explore different mantras that will help them. Self-talk is related to higher self-esteem in children.  Help them to believe in themselves, giving them more motivation to accomplish their goals. 

positive affirmations for kids book


3. Affirmation Flashcards

Make affirmation flashcards with your children and practice them daily.  This will be a wonderful tool that will help your children in tough moments. 

4. Leave Notes

Leave your children notes that have positive affirmations, or notes that tell them why you think they are important.  You can leave them in their backpacks, lunch boxes, on their beds, or on their mirrors.  Be creative and find fun places you know they will find a note from you.  Your children will cherish these notes, even if they never tell you.

positive affirmations for children notes

5. Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness together especially when children are young.  They need to learn how to step away from their stressful moments and reconnect with the things they want to accomplish.  I love this quote by Anne Lamott “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”  We all need quiet time to ponder.  It will rejuvenate the soul.

6. Journal

Use a journal to write down positive self-talk and affirmations.  Children can write about the good things they are doing and the good qualities they possess.  Find prompts that will support them as they go through difficult times.  Children will have this great tool to encourage them daily.  Check out THIS article for some journal prompt ideas.

7. Affirmation Art Project

Make a craft, drawing or painting where the child draws a positive affirmation and makes it their own.  Then frame their picture up where they can see it often.

affirmation coloring book for kids

8. Positive Self-Talk  

Your children are watching you and how you handle tough situations. When you feel stressed, overwhelmed, tired or angry, use positive affirmations and let your children see these moments.  When they feel the same way, your example will be the tool they need.

daily affirmations sign

9. Practice/Review Positive Affirmations for Children

Spend 5 minutes a day reviewing affirmations that have helped them throughout the day.  Talk about times where they struggle and come up with something that would help them.

affirmation postcards

10. Speak in Their Language/Platform  

Send your children texts that are full of encouraging words.

affirmation stickers

11. Read an Uplifting Book Together

positive affirmations for children and teens

Discuss the issues in the book and how the children in the book handled the situation.  Talk about how they would have handled the problems.  

positive affirmations for kids

children affirmations

12. Help Them Set Goals 

Help your children make goals that they can finish.  Finishing a task is invigorating and helps a person feel more accomplished and satisfied. Each skill a child learns will help them with their positive self-talk and self esteem.

positive affirmations for children

75 Positive Affirmations for Children

Here are some simple and great affirmations to help you and your child overcome the negative feelings that tend to creep into our minds and take hold. Talking about these affirmations will provide many positive conversations.

  1. I can be anything I want to be.

  2. I am worth it.

  3. Anything is possible, especially with God on my side.

  4. It is enough to do my best.

  5. I believe in myself.

  6. I deserve to be happy.

  7. I choose to think positively.

  8. I am an amazing person.

  9. I have lots of people who love me.

  10. I can ask for support when I need it.

  11. I have a big heart.

  12. It is ok to listen to my heart and trust my judgment, even if it goes against what others are telling me.

  13. I am a good listener.

  14. My thoughts and feelings are important.

  15. Be myself, everyone else is taken.

  16. Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.

  17. I can learn from my mistakes.

  18. I don’t have to be perfect all the time.

  19. I will learn from my mistakes.

  20. I can make a difference.

  21. I can do anything I set my mind to.

  22. It is ok to be scared, hurt, angry, or upset.  I don’t have to be strong all the time.

  23. The harder I work, the greater I’ll feel when its over.

  24. “Life is too short.  Too short to waste a single second with anyone who doesn’t appreciate and value you.” -Sarah Dessen

  25. I’m not going to change so people will like me.  I’m going to be myself so the right people will like me.

  26. Confidence isn’t, “Will they like me?” Confidence is “I’ll be fine if they don’t.” -Christina Grimme

  27. Whoever is trying to bring me down, is already beneath me.  

  28. “You never know how the tough times you are going through today will inspire someone else tomorrow.” -Tim Tebow

  29. I don’t have to change myself to be enough.

  30. I am smart and clever and willing to learn what is needed.

  31. I am strong.

  32. I will never be limited by what others think of me.

  33. I love to learn new things.

  34. I trust my decisions.

  35. I am important. 

  36. I don’t have to be perfect to be loved or accepted.

  37. I am smart and can figure out what is best for me.

  38. I am kind and compassionate and can feel love for myself and others.

  39. I am generous.  I can help other people be happy.

  40. I am grateful for the blessings in my life.

  41. I have the power to make this world a better place.

  42. I am my own person. I shouldn’t compare myself to others.

  43. I am full of great ideas.

  44. I am a fast learner.

  45. I have many talents.

  46. My future looks bright.

  47. I believe in myself.

  48. I will surround myself with positive and loving people.

  49. I am looking forward to today.

  50. I can do hard things.

  51. If something happened to me, I would be missed.

  52. I can make mistakes; my family will still love me. 

  53. I have good goals and will work hard to accomplish them.

  54. I can have all kinds of friends.

  55. I am friendly.

  56. I am accepting.

  57. I am not weak if I accept help from others.

  58. I have courage to share my feelings with others.

  59. I am accepting and ready for new ideas.

  60. I can change the world, one small thing at a time.

  61. I do not have to fit in to be important.

  62. I can forgive myself and others.

  63. I am patient.

  64. I am blessed.

  65. I am happy.

  66. I will follow my dreams.

  67. I can make a positive impact on the world.

  68. My voice is important.

  69. My life is filled with joy.

  70. I will make the most of my day.

  71. I am a problem-solver.

  72. I am a fighter; I won’t give up.

  73. I am in control of my happiness.

  74. I will focus on progress, not perfection.

  75. I am doing my best.

positive affirmations for teens

As Children learn tools to help them tackle problems, they will gain confidence.  They will become stronger, well-rounded people.  I wish I would have learned how to talk more positively with myself when I was younger.  I was blessed with wonderful parents who built me up and were always there for me.  They were always positive with me and showed me they loved me.  When things got tough, though,  I didn’t know how to build myself up. Having an arsenal of positivity would have been useful as I went through struggles and conflicts.  

We want our children to be happy and we want the best for them.  We need to take the time to help children learn how to speak encouragingly to themselves.  They are worth it, and they need our help.  Teach them to set boundaries and be the best they can be.  I love this quote “Self-Care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.”  By Audre Lorde.  They need our help to survive this big cruel world. Self-Affirmations will help them be stronger, resilient, happier, wiser, positive, capable, and confident.  Is there anything more we want for our children?  Take every opportunity you have to teach your child about positive affirmations.  Teach them to love themselves as much as you love them.

This post is all about positive affirmations for children.