
52 Journal Prompts for Self Love

journal prompts for self love

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Self love is essential to our well-being.  A simple way to improve your self love, is by writing in a journal.  These journal prompts for self love will cause you to reflect on your life and look at areas of happiness, improvement, negativity, positivity, energy, and so much more.

There are so many different types of journals.  You can start a simple journal where you write about what happened in your day/week.  You can start a prayer, gratitude, love, spiritual, memory, travel, grief, food, scrapbook, art, or even a dream journal.  There are no limits.

Journaling is all about self-exploration.  There is no wrong way to journal, and it will most likely look different for every single person.  It doesn’t have to be difficult, so start simple.  Grab a simple notebook, a hardbound journal, or check out all the fun journal ideas below.

journaling for self love

This post is all about journal prompts for self love. 

Why Should You Journal?

Journaling gives you an avenue to record your thoughts, and feelings, so that you are able to develop a deeper understanding of who you are.  It also allows you to see what your values are, and help you to discover how you can be more accepting of yourself.  It can show you what you want your future to look like.

Writing in a journal allows you to become more self-aware, as you reflect on who you are. As you become more self-aware, you can begin to transform your life.  You can learn to love yourself unconditionally.  You can learn about your self, discover how to accept yourself, and grow your confidence.

Journal Prompts for Self Love

Benefits of Journaling

There are so many benefits of journaling, and here are a few:

    • Increase self-esteem
    • Increase self-awareness
    • Reduces your stress
    • Increased positivity
    • Help to regulate your emotions
    • Helps with problem solving
    • Improve relationships
    • Improves perception of events
    • Improve your mood
    • Increases productivity
    • Improves memory
    • Written record of events
    • Motivation for goals

journal for self love

Different Types of Journals

There are so many types of journals.  You can get a simple spiralbound notebook, or try one of these cute journals below.  In this post you’ll find self-love journals, guided-prompt journals, prayer journals, gratitude journals, and spiritual journals.  There are journals for YOU, kids, and teens. Check out our free printable with 52 journal prompts for self love. 

Blank Journals

My Secret Plan to Rule the World-Journal

Simple Notebook

A notebook

Composition Notebook


Spiral Notebooks

Self-Love Journals

For You

For You

For You

Teen Girls

Guided Prompt Journals

For Women

For Kids

For Teens

For Kids

For Grandma

Prayer Journals

For Kids

For Teen Girls

For Women

For Teen Boys

Gratitude Journals

For You

Teen Boys

Teen Girls


Spiritual Journals

Revealed Journal

God speaks to us in so many different ways, through thoughts, words/actions of others, scriptures, prophets, prayers, feelings, etc. The Revealed journal encourages you to write about the times when God has spoken to you; when you have felt personal revelation.  My daughter has the Revealed Journal for Kids, and I love that it allows her to see times when God has spoken directly to her.

prompts for self love journal

Journal Prompts

Check out these 52 journal prompts for self love, one for each week of the year.  Pick a day, maybe a Sunday, and start with the first prompt.  Set a reminder in your phone to go off each week, so you don’t forget to write.  Write as much, or as little as you want.

At the end of the year, you will have a wonderful record of your thoughts and feelings from that year, along with treasured memories.  As a result from your recordings, you should also experience growth and added strength in your life.

52 Journal Prompts for Self Love

    1. List at least three things that you love about your personality.
    2. List at least three things you love about your body.
    3. List at least five things that make you smile every day.
    4. What is one thing you can do to help you get more sleep tonight?
    5. Select a self-love affirmation to repeat today. Why did you choose this one?
    6. Write about a time when you did something that made you feel happy.
    7. What makes you feel energetic?
    8. Write a thank-you note to yourself.
    9. List as least five things that make you unique from others.
    10. Write about how to forgive yourself for mistakes you’ve made.
    11. Write about a time you gave your mind a space to rest, i.e. prayer or meditation.
    12. What do your negative thoughts say, and how can you quiet them?
    13. What are at least three positive changes you have made for yourself in the last year?
    14. What are your talents?
    15. If someone asked you for advice about loving and caring for themself, what would you say?
    16. What compliment can you give yourself today?
    17. What holds you back from being kind and compassionate to yourself?
    18. How did you take care of yourself this week?
    19. Write about a time you served someone else, and how it made you feel.
    20. What are 3 things you are proud of yourself for?
    21. What makes you feel confident?
    22. What would your perfect day look like?
    23. Write about a challenge you were faced with and how you overcame that challenge.
    24. Write about people in your life who are meaningful to you and why.
    25. Write about your ideal future.
    26. What do you want to change about yourself? How can you accept this and love it?
    27. What are your dreams, and what can you do today to start working on them?
    28. What is one thing you can do today that will make you feel great?
    29. What are five things your past self would love about your current self?
    30. What do you love about your mind?
    31. Name three accomplishments in your life and why you are proud of yourself for achieving them.
    32. Who inspires you? What is it about them that you love?
    33. If you could give your younger self some advice, what would it be?
    34. What beliefs do you have that have helped you in life?
    35. Why do you find it difficult to love yourself as you are right now?
    36. What actions make you feel down or depressed, but you continue to do them anyway? Why?
    37. Do you think you’re a worthwhile person?
    38. Do you think you’re beautiful?
    39. When do you feel safe?
    40. Is there anything in your life you need to let go of? How do you think you can do that?
    41. Write down three compliments you’ve received from someone. How did they make you feel?
    42. What is a challenge you are dealing with right now, and how are you growing from it?
    43. What is your favorite feel-good activity? How can you do it more?
    44. Why are you worthy of happiness?
    45. Write down five hobbies you’d like to try.
    46. What is one habit you can create now, that your future self will thank you for?
    47. List three self-care items you’d like to start.
    48. Write out your perfect morning routine, and what you can do to make it a reality?
    49. What current habits are destructive to your sense of self-love?
    50. Write down five things you’re grateful for.
    51. What is holding you back from loving yourself completely and unconditionally?
    52. When you’re having a bad day, what’s one thing that consistently cheers you up?

Journal Prompts for Self Love

This post was all about journaling, and included journal prompts for self love. Keep it simple and start journaling.  Do it for yourself, and for those that you love.  Increase your self-awareness with this simple addition of journaling.  It might seem like such a simple thing, but “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” (Alma 37:6.) Let’s serve (ourselves)!

self love journal

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  1. […] through difficult times.  Children will have this great tool to encourage them daily.  Check out THIS article for some journal prompt […]