
17 Ministering Ideas for April

Easter April Service

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As I write this article for ministering ideas for the month of April, Christmas is just finishing, and I’m thinking about all the ways we celebrated and brought Jesus Christ into our season.  April is another great season of talking and discussing Jesus Christ, as we celebrate Easter.  

I have been thinking about how “Jesus Christ” and “ministering” go together.  As we choose to follow his commandments and follow in his paths, we want to be more like him and follow his examples.  His life was full of service and ministering.  When we minister to others, we become more like him.

“To worship the Lord is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.

It is to work on a welfare project, to administer to the sick, to go on a mission…

…To worship is to work, to be actively engaged in a good cause, to be about our Father’s business, to love and serve our fellowmen.

It is to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to comfort those that mourn, and to hold up the hands that hang down and to strengthen the feeble knees.

To worship the Lord is to stand valiantly in the cause of truth and righteousness, to let our influence for good be felt in civic, cultural, educational, and governmental fields, and to support those laws and principles which further the Lord’s interests on earth.

To worship the Lord is to be of good cheer, to be courageous, to be valiant, to have the courage of our God-given convictions, and to keep the faith.”

-“How to Worship” by Bruce R. McConkie.

I love that as we serve those around us, we our worshiping the Lord.

This post is all about ministering ideas for April. 

ministering art project


1. April Fools Joke

The best day of April is April Fools Day because I always love a good clean fun joke.  Here are some recipes online that would be fun to make for a friend.  Try out the jell-o that is made to look like juice, the pound cake that looks like a cheese sandwich, a meatloaf that resembles a cake, an apple that is imitating French fries, or some pudding that looks like pot pie.  Anyone would love to receive such a fun treat.  You could even invite someone over for dinner and prepare some of these fun treats.  

2. Make Bread

April 1 is also National Sourdough bread Day, so go ahead and take a loaf of sourdough bread to someone you want to serve.  

3. Babysit their Kids

On April 2 is international Children’s Book Day.  If you know someone with kids who might need a break, volunteer to watch their kids for an hour or two.  Make sure you take some good books, puzzles or games and enjoy time with some kids!  Any mom would love some time off for herself or to get some errands done.

4. Ingredients for a Sandwich

Another fun day in April is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (April 2), and National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day on the 12th.  Take someone all the fixings for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a cheese sandwich.  You have two chances this month to enjoy a nice picnic with them, or if you don’t have much time, just drop off the ingredients for lunch.

minister with a sandwich

5. Go on a Picnic

There is also a national Picnic Day later in April (23), so find some good friends, or someone you minister to, and go on a picnic to get to know each other better.  Time outside with good food is always a sure way to strengthen friendships.

6. Go on a Hike

April 21 is earth day, so grab a group of friends and go enjoy the beautiful world that God has given us.  

7. Plant Flowers  

You could also add beauty to the earth by helping someone plant flowers or clean out their flowerbeds.  As a result, you’ll create long lasting friendships while helping someone beautify their yard and homes.

8. Host a Party

April 3 is World Party Day, so invite those you minister to over for a party!  We don’t really need a reason to hold a party, but it’s a great opportunity to show people you are thinking about them and want to spend time with them.  You could make this a theme party–the world.

9. Help someone with their Laundry

Have you ever heard of National Laundry Day?  Everyone hates doing laundry, am I right?  It would be more fun doing it with someone you like to talk to.  Find someone who may be struggling, especially physically, and offer to help them with their laundry.  They may laugh when you tell them it is National Laundry Day.  You could even volunteer to clean their washing machine and/or dryer for them.

do someone's laundry service

10. Art Project Together

Art is another activity that brings people together, and National World Art Day is April 15.  Therefore, find a fun project that both you and a friend would enjoy doing together—paint by number, diamond painting or just take a painting class together. 

11. Call Someone or Send a Text

I think this activity makes my list just about every month.  People love their phones, and they love to feel connected.  Last month I sent a text to someone I loved every single day telling them what I appreciated about them.  I was amazed at the different responses I got.  Many of them responded a heartfelt response that brightened my day.  I smiled every day, and as a result, I also felt closer to that person.  If you don’t have time to do some of these big things, send a text.  As a result, people will know you care and relationships will bloom.

12. Give a Poem

Poetry would be a fun way to show a friend you care, and April 28 is National Great Poetry Reading Day.  You don’t have to read someone a poem, but send them a card, or even a text, with a meaningful poem.  Here is a great one:



A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows

Or maybe like an ocean that gently flows

A friend is like gold that you should treasure

And take care of forever and ever

A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you

A friend is someone you can trust out of a few

A friend is more than one in a million

They are one in ca-zillion

And you, my friend, are very special

and so it is official.

Check out THIS other great poem by Kaitlyn M. Yawn called, “Will You Ever?” Family Friend Poems, July 21, 2006.

13. Give Them a Pretzel

Take them a pretzel for National Pretzel Day, on April 26.  There are so many fun things to do with pretzels, such as dipping them in chocolate or yogurt, as a base for a jell-o salad, or putting a Rollo or Hershey’s kiss on top, and then slightly melting it, and lastly, topping it off with an M&M as it starts to melt.

minister with a pretzel

14. Play a Game Together

April 13 is National Scrabble Day,  so even if you don’t like scrabble, taking time to play a game is a great way to make connections.  It is a fun relaxing environment that helps conversation to flow easily.

15.  Give a Little Gift

When time is rushed, and you don’t have a lot of time to spend with someone, a a little gift can go along way.  It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, but just a little something to show you care.  Lotion, soap, or a spa treatment might be just what the doctor ordered.

16. Give Your Time

Some people just need time, so therefore, don’t be afraid to stop by someone’s home with nothing in hand or no project to do.  They may just need someone to talk to.  It’s always best to get to know a person so that you will understand their needs.  Sometimes it takes time to figure out the best ways to reach and connect with someone you are ministering to.  Don’t be afraid of the unknown, and keep trying different ideas.  Your consistent efforts will pay off, and before you know it, you will have a new friend.

17. Minister to Your Husband

One person we sometime forget to minister to, or serve, is our Husbands.  April 20 is Husband Appreciation Day, so celebrate this day by doing something he loves, whether it’s cooking him his favorite meal, going to a movie, or doing an activity he enjoys.  Find time to tell him how grateful you are for him and all he does for you.  Maybe that means a special card or gift for him.  Don’t forget about the man who lifts and strengthen you as you look for opportunities to serve.

Maybe the people you need to serve are members of your family.  Don’t forget to spend time making fun memories with those you love the most.  Time is the most important amenity we can give our families.  Sometimes we forget that they need our time most, and any of the above activities can be done with them also.  

In conclusion, remember that ministering is following in the Savior’s footsteps, it is showing the Lord that you love Him, it is Charity.  Ministering is another way to show the Lord and those around us that we love them.  As a result, it also brings joy and happiness into our lives. 

I hope you will find joy as you serve.  Let’s serve!

ministering time

This post was all about ministering ideas for April. 


Check out THIS post for 31 Ways to Serve Others in May or THIS post for 15 Leftover Candy Craft Ideas for after Easter. 🙂