
30 Ideas How to Help Others This April

how to help others

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You often hear April showers bring May flowers. Bloom into spring with these ideas of how to help others this April.

April is named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. April also comes from the word Aprilis or Aperire which means “open up”; like the flowers and trees. The name goes with the month as it is known as a rainy month that helps flowers start to grow and open up into something beautiful.

April’s birthstone is the Diamond that represents innocence.

April is known as the National month to volunteer. Below is a free printable checklist with 30 great ideas to volunteer or serve others this April.

printable checklist for serving others

This post is all about how to help others this April.

1. Share homemade sourdough bread with others to enjoy.

National Sourdough Bread Day. Learn how to make sourdough for others to enjoy. If you are already familiar with making sourdough, share your favorite recipe on social media and make a loaf for someone special in your life.

2.  Forgive someone who caused pain in your life and make amends.

National Reconciliation Day. Reach out to someone in your past that has caused you pain and try to mend your friendship. Show forgiveness and be loving towards that person. 

3. Go for a Walk with a spouse or loved one.

National Walking Day. Take a 30 minute walk to connect with someone today and get your heart pumping. 

4. Do a kind deed for a local or school librarian.

National School Librarian Day. Honor a school librarian today by donating money for more books or helping out in your local school or public library.

5. Host a pizza party.

National Deep Dish Pizza Day. Make or order deep dish pizza for your family to celebrate the day.

helps others host a pizza party


6. Make some Caramel popcorn and host a movie night for the neighborhood.

National Caramel Popcorn Day. Make caramel popcorn and have your neighbors and friends over for a popcorn movie night.

7. Host a girls night out.

National Girl Me Too Day. Show love and support for other women by building them up and bonding together. Have a girls night out to build female relationships.

8. Express gratitude to what you have around you and the people in your life.

National All Is Ours Day. Express appreciation for all the things you have around you that are beautiful. Examples are nature and family.

9. Donate books or money to your local library or school or host a Scholastic Book Fair.

National Library Workers Day. National Library Workers Day coincides with National Library Week from April 7-April 13. Donate your time by helping out a local library worker or donate money and books to your local library. Help host a Scholastic Book Fair at a local school.

10. Do something to show love for your siblings or a sibling figure in your life.

National Siblings Day. Go to dinner or do an activity with your siblings. If they live far away call them up and show appreciation for them in your life.

help your siblings

11. Take supplies to pets in shelters or adopt a pet.

National Pet Day. Take supplies to pets in shelters that are waiting to be adopted or adopt a pet yourself. 

12. Make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup for your family.

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. Make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup for your family. This meal is considered one of the best comfort food meals. So enjoy it while spending time together with your family.

13. Go to lunch with a friend you haven’t seen for awhile.

National Make Lunch Count Day. Spend quality time with a friend and take them to lunch. Leave all worries and stresses behind and enjoy quiet time with just you and your friend.

14. Help someone with their gardens today.

National Gardening Day. Help a neighbor weed or get their garden ready to harvest.

15. Help a neighbor, friend or family member get caught up on their laundry.

National Laundry Day. Laundry can easily pile up. Find someone who could use your help to get caught up on their laundry. A mother with many kids is a good place to start.

help others with laundry

16. Give an orchid to someone you feel needs extra love today.

National Orchid Day. Purchase orchids for people in your life you feel could use extra love today to let them know you care.

17. Organize a recipe exchange activity with neighbors and provide cheeseballs and crackers.

National Cheeseball Day. Have a recipe exchange day and celebrate National Cheeseball Day by providing a cheese ball with crackers.

18. Take kids to the zoo or a pet shop to see the animals.

National Animal Cracker Day. Go to the zoo or a pet store with small kids and provide animal crackers for a snack.

19. Find time to laugh with your friends and family.

National Humor Month and Humor Day. This month is National Humor Month and today is Humor Day. Find some time to hang out with friends and family to laugh together. Laughing is healthy for you and helps release stress.

20. Thank local volunteers in your community.

National Volunteer Recognition Day. Thank the people in your community who spend hours volunteering their time to help others. Many people go to schools, soup kitchens, hospitals, sporting events, churches and other places to give their time freely to help others. Show gratitude for their service and show your appreciation for what they do for others.

21. Support your local teachers.

National Kindergarten Day. Today honors Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel birthday on April 21, 1782 who came up with the idea of having Kindergarten in schools. Honor him and celebrate a kindergartner in your life or a teacher you know. Do something for them or think about donating to their teacher supply fund.

help a teacher

22. Walk trails with friends or do something to honor Earth Day.

National Earth Day. Think about ways you can help the earth. Participate in a recycling program. Go help clean-up a park or area that has a lot of trash. Carpool, walk or ride your bike to work. Look up other ways to help make the earth a better place.

23. Organize a family picnic.

National Picnic Day. Go on a picnic with your family outside to enjoy nature if the weather permits. If not, Plan to have the picnic indoors.

24. Help a friend do something on their bucket list.

National Bucket List Day. Write your bucket list or help someone fulfill something on their bucket list.

25. Take your kids to work or teach them what you do for a living.

National Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day. Take your kids to work today so they can see what you (or a spouse) do for a living. Share with them some of the skills you need to be able to do your job. This is a good way to connect with your kids so they can see what you do to provide a life for them.

26. Plant a tree.

National Arbor Day. Go plant trees today to help the world breathe better.

plant a tree for service

27. Share a story on social media of someone who has influenced your life for the better.

National Tell A Story Day. Tell a story on social media about someone who has been an influence in your life and why you respect them.

28. Spread acts of kindness in your community.

Global Pay It Forward Day. Do small acts of kindness for people in your community today. When you do this there will be a ripple effect and others will choose kindness to help make the world a better place.

29. Host a dance party.

International Dance Day. Host a dance party. Go line dancing with your friends, take a class or go to a dance recital to celebrate International Dance day. It is important to get up and move and dancing provides this in a fun way.

30. Work on an emergency preparedness plan with your family and neighborhood.

National PrepareAthon Day. Get prepared incase of emergency and natural disaster. Make an emergency preparedness plan with your family and neighbors so you are prepared when disasters strike.

emergency preparedness

Take some time out this April to recognize and help others in need. Above are 30 great ways to help you get started on how to help others by serving them this April. Shower them with love and kindness and their lives will bloom for the better.  Let’s Serve!

This post was all about how to help others this April.