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23 Ideas: How Can We Help the Elderly in Our Communities?

elderly care

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How can we help the elderly in our communities? Many elderly live alone and are struggling with feelings of loneliness, or the inability to accomplish tasks around the house that they were able to do when they were younger.  It really does take a village, and we NEED each other to survive in this life.

This article will show you simple things you can do to help the elderly in your community.  It doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a huge difference.  Ask others to help in your journey of serving the elderly.  A lot of hands helping together will make the task much easier.

This post is all about answering the question of how can we help the elderly in our communities.

how can we help the elderly in our communities

Serving the Elderly

When I was a little girl, my mother took one of my sister’s and I to a senior assisted living home, where we “adopted” two elderly ladies to be our “grandmas”. One of them was named Olga, and I can’t remember the other’s name. We would go visit these two occasionally, and learn about their lives.

My mother informed me that she had previously asked some of the employees at this care center, if there were a couple of residents, who didn’t get regular visitors, who would really enjoy our company. The employees had given my mother those two ladies names.

Serving Hazel

Last month I volunteered at a senior assisted living home near my house, a couple of times. In the short time I was there, I was able to meet some amazing people. One of my favorite residents there was Hazel. She was so happy and so kind, and had the best outlook on life. I asked her questions about her family, and she held my hand, while she doted on her nieces, whom she absolutely adores. I decided then and there that I wanted to adopt Hazel as my own children’s “grandma”. We talked about my children, and she asked me, THREE times, to bring them back to meet her. I promised her I would, and I plan to keep that promise.

While Hazel and I were talking, she told me that she loves horses. I told my daughters about Hazel and they are excited to draw her pictures of horses that she can hang in her room. After Hazel and I were done talking, I went and talked to some of the ladies that work at the nursing home, just like my mother did so many years ago. I asked if there were other residents who didn’t get many visitors, and could really use the company. They told me about some of the ladies at the facility, the best times to come visit, some of the resident’s favorite goodies, and some of their interests.

If you aren’t exactly sure how to serve the elderly in an assisted living center, or where to start, just ask the employees, and I’m sure they will offer plenty of suggestions and advice.

helping the elderly

Who are the Elderly?

Typically anyone over the age of 65 is considered elderly, but some elderly are in need of more help than others, depending on their health and circumstances. Look around, they could be your neighbors, friends, grandparents, parents, relatives, or seniors at an assisted living center.

serving the elderly

Why Serve the Elderly?

We all benefit from each other. Through service, we can help the elderly feel a sense of purpose, which also helps us to feel a sense of purpose. The elderly can share valuable stories and lessons with us. Learn from their life lessons and experiences. They can help offer a new perspective for our own lives. I remember when I was in high school, I was driving in a car with four elderly women from my church group for a couple of hours. I sat there in silence, listening to all their stories, and trials. This gave me an appreciation for my own life, and the trials I was going through.

Helping the elderly can also give their family hope. In the first house my husband and I lived in, there was an elderly lady next door, whom we love dearly. She was constantly serving us, and we were constantly serving her. Her family didn’t live near, and they would often tell us how grateful they were to have us helping her.

We serve the elderly to help improve their quality of life, offer social support, and a sense of community, which, in return, does all of these things for us as well.  Serving them allows us to show our appreciation for them. We also serve the elderly to help alleviate feelings of isolation and depression that they may be experiencing. By getting to know them, we can gain a sense of their values, and the value systems of their youth.

teaching the elderly

How to Serve the Elderly?

There are so many ways to serve, and we believe that the easiest way is also the one that makes the most impact…to just SIT and LISTEN to them. Let them reminisce, let them complain, let them be heard. Discover their passions and skills so that you are better able to serve them.

Below is a list of simple ways you can serve the elderly:

    1. Sit and listen to them
    2. Take them a meal
    3. Play board games with them (Check out THIS article for some fun ideas)
    4. Teach them a new skill
    5. Allow them to teach you a new skill
    6. Sing or play an instrument for them
    7. Bring them goodies/drink
    8. Pamper them (do their hair, face masks, etc)
    9. Run errands for them
    10. Take them to doctor appointments
    11. Read to them
    12. Bring your children to visit them
    13. Hold their hand
    14. Help them record their life story (check out THIS FREE printable for questions to ask)
    15. Do an art project with them
    16. Do a service project with them, like tying quilts or making baby blankets to donate.
    17. Decorate their door, room, front yard for special occasions like their birthday
    18. Assist with house work
    19. Assist with yard work
    20. Teach them internet and/or computer skills
    21. Help them set up a social media account so they can stay connected to their families
    22. Bring photographs for them to look at
    23. Take them on an outing

caring for the elderly in our communities

How can we help the elderly in our communities? If everyone took the time to ask themselves what they could do for the elderly around them, and then followed through with serving them, imagine how much more of an incredible place our world would be. It would be full of love and learning, and appreciation.  Let’s do it! Let’s serve the elderly!

This post was all about answering the question of how can we help the elderly in our communities.