
23 Easy Self-Care Ideas to Try Right Now

easy self-care ideas

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This article will show you easy self-care ideas, specifically ways to take care of yourself and why it is so important.  What is self-care? Here is a beautiful definition, “the active process of making your body and mind a pleasant place to inhabit, by filling your own cup first. This ensures you have enough to give others.”

Pamper, baby, humor, indulge, spoil, gratify, and coddle are all words that mean “to treat with great or excessive care.”  After hearing all these words, you may began to wonder if self-care is selfish?

We have so many responsibilities these days, such as jobs, kids, taking care of aging parents, children’s activities, grandchildren, church, pets, school, finances, home, doctors’ visits, preparing dinner, laundry, and helping friends.  Sometimes it is hard to find time for ourselves.  You may start to believe that it is selfish to want to do something for yourself, when so many other people need you.

self-care isn't selfish

You have a great desire to help others, and want to be there for everyone who asks, but may end up pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion.  If we don’t take time for ourselves, we eventually fail at being able to take care of anyone, including ourselves.

Self-care is like a gift to yourself.  It gives your mind, your body, and your emotions a break from the responsibilities of your normal life.  Self-care is an activity that rejuvenates your whole self.  How YOU define self-care can look completely different from how someone else defines self-care.  For example, my mom loves to paint, but painting causes me anxiety and stress.  It’s important to explore different ways to fill your own cup.  Choose activities that will fill you with peace, joy and rejuvenation.

Here are some fun ideas that will help you on your journey to incorporating self-care into your life.

This post is all about easy self-care ideas to try right now. 

1. Go Walking

Find a partner, spouse, or friend and go for a walk.  Just 30 minutes every day will boost your mood and improve your health.  This is what has saved me the last few years.  I have the opportunity to walk with my mother about 3-4 times a week, when the weather is nice.  We call each other our therapists.  We talk, cry, help and carry each other through the hard times, while trying to solve the world’s problems.  I am able to move forward during hard times because of her support, love and encouraging words.  


2. Read a Book

When you read a book, you are transformed into a new life, with problems very different from your own.  You can forget about your worries for a small moment.  I love this quote, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.”―George R.R. MartinA Dance with Dragons

self-care read a book


3. Listen to a Podcast

Listening to a podcast is a great way to relax and learn new ideas.  I have one sister who is constantly listening to podcasts and picking up great ideas on how to raise her children.  I am amazed at the perspectives she learns from podcasts.  You can choose any array of subjects, even some that are specifically made for self-care.

reading a book

4. Take a Sip

Enjoy a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or lemonade.  When I need some alone time, one of my favorite things to do is to go outside on my patio or under my huge maple tree with a nice glass of lemonade.  I enjoy looking around my yard and being grateful for all that I have been blessed with.  It truly is a cleansing, relaxing and spiritual moment which gives me new strength.


5. Call a Friend

It is so nice to be with friends.  They help build you up in hard times.  It is more difficult to feel depressed when you are enjoying the company of a good friend.  Go to lunch, shopping, play a game, cook something, go to a movie, or spend a nice relaxing night talking.  “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” –Thomas Aquinas


6. Get a Manicure

Get a manicure, do your own nails, or put on a Face mask.  I was never one to do my nails when I was younger.  I’m 50 years old and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have painted my nails.   I never understood the need for women to get their nails done, until my daughter did my nails for me one day.  We spent an hour and a half talking and laughing.  It was so energizing for me to spend quality time with her. 

easy self-care ideas painting nails

For me it was more about the time spent with her than the nails.  But guess what? I loved my nails so much and that time together, I bought myself a nail kit.  I am trying to take the time to do my nails more frequently.  It makes me feel more alive and I love the time to myself.

self-care nail kit


7. Take a Nap  

This one doesn’t even need an explanation.  Naps are probably the #1 thing that can rejuvenate a person.  Exhaustion is a trigger, that can cause stress, anger, fear, frustration and a whole assortment of other emotions.  If we can get enough sleep, it will help us handle the emotional pressures that will come our way.


8. Sit in the Sunlight

Vitamin D is one of the best-known health benefits from exposure to the sun.  Several benefits from being in the sun are protection from disease, enhances physical performance and improves mental health.  Isn’t a nice day on the beach or watching an outdoor sport, soothing to the soul?  Any excuse to hang out in the sunlight is a great way to take care of yourself.


9. Exercise

Exercise is one of the best opportunities we can take for ourselves to help us feel better.  There are many forms of exercise. Swimming, tennis, pickleball, dancing, skiing, biking, sports, golf, weight-lifting, boxing, and yardwork are just a few of the many ways to get your heart pumping.  There are so many other health benefits that just a few minutes of exercise can give you.  

So grab your equipment and take a few minutes to feel better physically and mentally.


self-love exercise

10. Yoga

Yoga isn’t included in the exercise section, because Yoga is so much more than just for your body.  It helps you to connect your mind and body in ways that nothing else can do.  It feels different to me than a hard workout.  If I am having a hard day and can’t even fathom a hard workout, I turn to Yoga, especially a good Yoga stretch class.  This can fulfill your exercise quota for the day, but also revitalizes both your mind and body.


yoga self-love

11. Meditation

Meditation is a new skill that I have only been exploring the last few months.  My ADD personality gets distracted very quickly, so for me I have had to try some guided meditations.  My husband laughs at me and some of the instructors who guide the meditation, but it really has helped me sleep better and believe in myself more.  It has helped me with negative thoughts and just believing that I am enough.  It is especially beneficial on those days I feel overwhelmed. 

Exercise, yoga, and meditation are all easy self-care ideas that can really make a big difference in your life. 


12. Write or Journal

A friend told me the other day that when she can’t sleep, she gets up and writes everything down in her notebook and that is usually enough to help her get to sleep.  On several different occasions I have written in a gratitude journal.  This practice is so beneficial in helping you look at the positive things happening in your life.  When we can see all the blessings we have in our lives, it will bring awareness, happiness, and joy.  I love this quote “When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere.”– Emmanuel Dagher


easy self-care ideas journaling

So however, you want to use your journal, start writing.  It is a good way to remind you of who you are and what you can accomplish.


one minute gratitude journal

13. Work on Your Dream 

Even if you only have 15 minutes, work on your dream.  It can be as little as writing down steps in a journal or researching what it would take to make your dream work.  At least you are taking tiny steps to achieve your goal.  Don’t let it just be an idea in your head. This is one of those easy self-care ideas that gets overlooked.

have a dream mental health

14. Take a Break from Technology

Leave the phone behind and turn off all alerts. Don’t even use it to scroll through social media.  Take a break from all technology, it is very freeing, even if it is just for an hour or two.

15. Music

Put on some good music.  My kids love this.  This is one of those easy self-care ideas that is often forgotten, but can quickly change the mood in the house.  Every once in a while we turn on our colored lights in our living room, our home pod, or any Bluetooth speaker, and dance. We have some funny memories (we are all really bad dancers) and it is relaxing and care-free.


rope lights

bluetooth speaker

echo dot for self-love music

16. Plan a Vacation

Plan a vacation or have someone plan a vacation for you.  There are so many places to visit and things to learn.  Spending a few days away from all your responsibilities is so refreshing.  It brings greater perspective and clarity into your life.  It is so enjoyable.


17. Take a Bath

Take a long shower or bubble bath.  Wash away all the stress from the day and take a few moments for yourself.

bath soap easy self-care ideas



18. Create Something

Creating something is what we are made to do.  We feel happier in the moments we are creating.  So paint, sew, craft, cook, crochet, redecorate, organize, garden, photograph, play an instrument, etc.  Work on your hobbies and create that environment that makes you happy.  You can also take a class and learn a new skill.  Grab a friend or partner and learn something new.

self-care women crocheting

Here are some cute diamond kits and paint by number kits that you will love:

paint by numbers mental health

diamond painting kit for mental health


19. Get Out in Nature  

Nature is one of the best ways to reach your inner self.  Go for a hike, or go sit somewhere in nature.  When we enjoy God’s creations, we see the beauty of the world.  We understand that He created us in His creations.   He only makes beautiful things.  

hiking sticks for self-love



20. Clean

Clean up one area of clutter in your home.  This one may seem like work, but the feeling of accomplishing something is so rewarding.  A clean home feels so good.  I love this quote, “Having a simplified, uncluttered home is a form of self-care.” We love these acrylic organizers for getting yourself organized.

self-care organization ideas

21. Photo Session

Have your pictures taken professionally or grab a friend with a nice camera.  Have a nice relaxing evening taking pictures of yourself or other beautiful objects.  


22. Order Your Favorite Dessert

Sometimes you just need some comfort food.  Make it a special occasion and order or make your favorite dessert.  Maybe find someone else you can share it with, so you don’t eat the whole thing.  self-care desserts


23. Do Nothing

Let your mind know that you will be fine doing absolutely nothing if that is what it needs. This is another one of those easy self-care ideas that is often overlooked.   

self-care doing nothing

Self-care should be an action, not just a thought that we have in the back of our minds; something we will do when we have time.  Take the time now. 

Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again.” —Lalah Delia

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” —Walter Anderson

“Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Delia

Self-care is important.  As we learn to take care of ourselves, we will have the energy to take care of those around us even better. Let’s Serve.

This post is all about easy self-care ideas to try right now. 

One response to “23 Easy Self-Care Ideas to Try Right Now”

  1. Mom Avatar

    I love this post