
30 Ways to Show Gratitude in November by Doing Good Deeds

doing good deeds

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November is the month we offer thanksgiving for the many blessings we have in our lives. Below are 30 ways to show our gratitude each day in November by doing good deeds for others.

November’s name comes from the Latin word Novem, which means nine. It used to be known as the 9th month before July and August were added pushing November to the 11th month. November’s birthstone is Topaz, which is yellow to amber in color.

This month is National Beard month, also called “No Shave November” to help raise money for cancer.

November hosts Veteran’s Day to honor those who have served in the United States armed forces. Thanksgiving is also celebrated the 3rd Thursday of the month, where families and friends get together for a big feast to celebrate the harvest and the blessing’s they are grateful for.

This article is all about ways to show gratitude by doing good deeds.

Good Deeds Printable

1. Help people find ways to relax.

National Stress Awareness Day. Try to have a stress-free day by taking a bubble bath. Another idea is to give someone who you feel has a lot of stress in their life a massage gift certificate or some bath salts. 

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2. Encourage the men in the family to make a special dinner for their loved ones.

National Men Make Dinner Day. Today is a great day for the men in the family to make a special meal for those they love.

3. Work with your family on ways to improve your health.

One Health Day. This is a global campaign to help promote improving good health in people, animals, plants and the environment. 

4. Good Deeds: Take your family to play outside in the park.

National Play Outside Day. One Saturday a month there is a National Play Outside Day. Take your family to the park and play ultimate frisbee.

good deeds5. Buy or make some donuts and share them with your friends.

National Donut Day. Learn how to make donuts and take them to friends.

6. Good Deeds: Eat nachos for dinner tonight.

National Nachos Days. Make nachos for dinner to celebrate National Nachos Days. Invite someone to eat a nacho bar with you that you want to get to know better.

7. Good Deeds: Go Vote!

     Election Day. Today is election day. Research the candidates and then go vote for the people who you think will do the best job.

8. Help tutor your child or another child in your life.

National Parents as Teachers Day. Assist your children with their education. Let them know the importance of having a good education and doing their best in school. Work with them or a child in need on anything they might need help with for their schoolwork.

good deeds in Nov

9. Learn about adoption and ways you can help orphans in the world.

World Adoption Day. Read about adoptions stories and how you can adopt a child or sponsor an orphan.

10. Have a cupcake bake-off and deliver them to a nursing home.

National Vanilla Cupcake Day. Bake and decorate cupcakes you’re your family and friends and vote on whose is the best. Take the cupcakes to places in the community like a nursing home.

11. Honor a veteran by taking them to lunch.

Veterans Day. Honor a veteran today by taking them out for a meal. Let them know you appreciate their military service.

12. Good Deeds: Enjoy some soup with a friend.

  National Chicken Soup for The Soul Day. Make some soup for you and a friend to help heal your souls and get to know each other better.

good deeds in november

13. Good Deeds: Spread kindness to all you meet today.

World Kindness Day. Be extra nice to everyone you meet today. Start with a smile and give them a nice compliment as you approach them.

14. Good Deeds: Host a pajama party with your family.

National Family PJ Day. Have a pajama party by watching a movie while enjoying popcorn and a treat or have everyone go to a movie theater wearing their pajamas.

15. Encourage your family and the neighbors to recycle.

American Recycle Day. Encourage your family and neighbors to recycle to help the environment and save money, energy and resources.

16. Buy the fast-food order for the person behind you in line.

National Fast-Food Day. Pay for the persons order behind you or leave a tip at a fast-food place.

17. Make some homemade bread to take to your neighbors.

National Homemade Bread Day. Make or buy some yummy homemade bread for your neighbors to connect with them. Here are some of our favorite bread recipes. 

homemade bread service

18. Celebrate Mickey Mouse’s birthday by having a prince/princess party.

National Princess Day and Mickey Mouses Birthday. Host a Disney party for Mickey’s birthday and have people dress up as prince and princesses.

19. Host a monopoly game night.

National Play Monopoly Day. Invite your friends over for a monopoly game night. Have everyone bring a treat to share and play away.

20. Good Deeds: Help a child in need.

  National Child’s Day and World Children’s Day. Help children in need. Ideas are to pay off a child’s lunch account at school, donate to youth organizations, take your kids somewhere fun.

21. Say hello to ten new people today.

World Hello Day. Say hello to many people today and see if you can make a new friend or say hello to a friend you haven’t talked to for a while. 

say hello good deed

22. Good Deeds: Have a dance party in your neighborhood.

National Jukebox Day. Set up a jukebox and have a dance party with your neighbors out in the street. Include new people you haven’t met yet.

23. Host a Thanksgiving meal and invite people who might not have a place to go.

Thanksgiving Day. Host a Thanksgiving meal for people you know who might be alone for Thanksgiving.

24. Take time to interview a relative to record family history.

National Day of Listening. Interview a family member to help preserve family history. These stories are a way to connect your family together.  Check out THIS post for ideas on how to get started with your genealogy. 

25. Shop at a local business to support families in the community.

Small Business Saturday. Help a local business by purchasing items or share on social media what you like about their business.

26. Bake a cake and share with your co-workers or friends.

National Cake Day. Bake or buy a cake to share with your co-workers or friends to show your appreciation for them in your life.  

share cake service27. Shop for your loved ones online to purchase holiday gifts for them.

Cyber Monday. In the US this is a day to find online deals to shop for your loved ones for the holidays. You can also shop for local charities to help spread love to people in need.

28. Donate gifts to friends in need or local charities for Giving Tuesday.

National Day of Giving. Donate toys, blankets, canned food or gift cards to local charities for Giving Tuesday.

29. Send an electronic greeting to your loved ones.

Electronic Greeting Day. Send greetings of love to your loved ones or have a family zoom time to connect with your loved ones that live far away.

30. Good Deeds: Take a canned jar of fruit to your neighbors.

National Mason Jar Day. Share your canned fruit with your neighbors or make cookies ingredients in mason jars to give to them with a note saying you are grateful to have them for neighbors.

canned fruit

November is a great month to show your gratitude for your many blessings by doing small deeds for others. People will love all your efforts and it starts with one deed at a time. Let’s Serve!

This article was all about ways to show gratitude by doing good deeds.