
14 Acts of Love for Valentine’s Day

acts of love

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Want to know 14 acts of love that anyone can do this Valentine’s Day? These are simple ways to express your love for others through service. 

Valentine’s Day can be such a fun day, but it can also be a sad day, depending on your situation.  Some people might be lonely, longing for a loved one, or missing a loved one.  Others might have expectations that aren’t met, that could lead to disappointment.  Whatever your situation is like, if you forget yourself, and serve others, your day is definitely going to be so much better.   

Valentine’s Day really should be about celebrating everyone that you love, and expressing your gratitude for the joy that others bring to your life. You are going to learn about some simple acts of love that you can do for others to brighten their day this Valentine’s Day.  After learning about all of these ideas, you are going to be extra prepared when Valentine’s Day comes around.

This holiday of love is a great opportunity to express your feelings to those you love, those you appreciate, and your community.  Here are several ways (besides the typical chocolates and flowers) to express your love for others. 

friends acts of love

This post is all about acts of love for Valentine’s Day.

1. Make your Own Valentine’s Cards for Friends and Family

It is so important to our well being that we are being creative and creating things.  Get out some paper, scissors, and markers, and get creative.  Makes some cards to deliver or send to friends/neighbors.  Get your kids involved for a fun family bonding activity.  “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love.” – Sophia Loren

2. Deliver Valentines to a Nursing Home

After you’ve made your own valentine’s day cards (see above), or after you’ve grabbed one of these kits below, then take your cards, or other treats, to a nursing home and get to know some of the residents there.  They would love to visit with you, while you learn from their life experiences.

3. Deliver Valentines to a Children’s Hospital

Find a children’s hospital near you and take some valentine to the children staying there. You could bring cards, candy, stuffed animals, or whatever else you can think of.  It can be scary, boring, and lonely in the hospital for those children, so bring some excitement to those children’s lives, with some cute valentines.  You could even bring some cards for the children in the hospital to make for others.  Sometimes the best medicine can be gratitude for others.

4. Make Baked Goods and Deliver to Friends

In the mood to bake some cookies?  One of the easiest acts of love is to bake something delicious to deliver to someone.  Try out this amazing looking valentine cookie recipe from Lil’ Luna HERE or these peanut butter bookies from Tastes Better from Scratch HERE.  Then grab one of these adorable boxes below to display and deliver your cookies.  Don’t have time to bake? Grab some store bought cookies and throw them in these little boxes for a more personal touch.

5. Plan a Valentine’s Party and Invite All Your Friends

Are you worried about being bored or lonely on Valentine’s Day?  Host a “Galentines” party and invite all your friends. I attend a “Galentine’s” party every year, during the month of February, and it is so much fun to go out with friends and celebrate your friendship.  Here are some simple balloon arches you could grab, that would make a beautiful backdrop for some fun pictures with your friends.  When planning your party, keep it simple.  Ask everyone to bring a dessert or snack, and play games, watch a romcom, or just hang out and talk.

acts of love party balloon arch

6. Offer to babysit for a young family

If you know a young family, offer to watch their kids, so they are able to go out and enjoy the holiday, without having to worry about finding a babysitter.  Many young couples will just stay home if they have to go through the trouble of finding a babysitter, so if you were to offer to watch their kids, that would be so helpful to them.

7. Write a Cute or Silly Poem for Someone You Love

Another great way to use  your creativity is to write a silly poem for someone you love.  It can be cheesy, funny, romantic, whatever you want it to be.  It will mean a lot to someone, because YOU came up with it.  To make it even more special, write it down on a piece of paper for them to keep.  Grab these calligraphy pens below to give it a fun and fancier look.

acts of love write a poem

8. Send a Care Package

Do you know someone who is serving in the military, or on a church service mission?  Send them a care package.  If you don’t know anyone who fits into those categories, pick someone that you love, who lives far away from you and send them a package.  That would be such an awesome, fun surprise for any one to receive!

9. Donate Canned Food to a Local Food Bank

I didn’t even know there was a food bank less than 5 minutes away from me, until I looked it up.  Find out where the nearest food bank is to you and drop off a bag full of cans, or even just a few cans of food.  You may not feel like you are making much of a difference, but every can helps!

acts of love balloons

10. Make an Uplifting Playlist to Send to Someone You Love

If you love music, this would be such a fun activity!  Start gathering a whole bunch of songs that you love, and create a playlist to send to someone else.  It’ll make their day to know you were thinking about them, and may expose them to some new songs that they might end up loving too!

11. Heart Attack a Friend’s Door

This is such a simple, yet beautiful way to express your love or gratitude for someone else.  Grab these heart cutouts below and tape them to someone’s door.  Don’t forget to decorate them with cute sayings.

acts of love heart attack

12. Make a Candy Gram with All Their Favorites

There are so many different and fun candy gram ideas that you could make for someone, such as a candy bouquet, a candy poster, or a candy wreath.  Check out some adorable ideas HERE at Tip Junkie.  If you are loving the candy gram posters as much as I am, check out some Valentine’s Day inspired candy gram poster ideas HERE and HERE.

acts of love for valentines day

13. Make a Single Friend Laugh with a Silly Gag Gift

I know quite a few ladies, single and married, who do not enjoy Valentine’s Day.  Help them get through this holiday with a funny gag gift such as this printed on toilet paper, or funny socks.

acts of love gag giftsacts of love silly socks

14. ‘LOVE BASKETS’ for the Homeless

Gather a group of friends and load up sacks with useful items to share with the homeless.  Some ideas might include warm socks, water bottles, phone cards, healthy snacks, etc.  This is such a great way to serve someone else on this day of love.

Celebrate those that you love this holiday.  Forget yourself, and serve others, to make your Valentine’s Day the best one yet!

This post was all about acts of love for Valentine’s Day.