
31 October Ideas to Serve Others

october ideas

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There are many events happening in October to help serve people.  Below are October ideas to serve people. But first, some fun facts about October:

October is named from the Roman word for “eighth” which is octavus. 

The birthstones for October are the tourmaline and opal stone.

Autumn colors are beautiful this time of year with lots of red and orange.

The temperature starts to cool in the U.S. and many places are preparing by storing crops for the winter. Some of the crops this month include apples, carrots, corn, grapes, potatoes, squash and pumpkins.

The World Series in baseball is played during this month. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October. It is known internationally to help bring awareness about the disease. Money is raised for research and to help those suffering with it. The color pink is worn on clothing or with a ribbon to support and bring hope to those with breast cancer.

There are many holidays in October with Halloween being the most recognized on October 31. Kids dress up in costumes and go door to door trick-or-treating for candy from their neighbors. 

 Other Holidays include Christopher Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Canadian Thanksgiving, Yom Kippur and Hispanic Month. These special days in October are a great time to serve people by celebrating the different cultures.

carve pumpkins service ideas

Check out this printable of October Ideas on how to serve others this month:

October Ideas for Service pic

This article is all about October ideas to serve others.

1. Bake cookies with friends and share them with other families.

National Homemade Cookies Day. Bake your favorite cookie recipe with friends. Take plates of cookies around to different families to celebrate National Homemade Cookie Day. 

2. Schedule your families yearly medical checkups.

National Child Health Day. Schedule your child’s or other family members yearly doctor and dental checkups. Promote good health with your family by sharing good tips to eating and being healthier.

3. Make today all about your boyfriend or the one you love by doing their favorite things.

National Boyfriend Day. Let your boyfriend or spouse know what they mean to you. Do many of his favorite things today. Go out to his favorite restaurant, watch his favorite sports team or do his favorite activity. Make it all about him with random acts of service.

4. Invite friends to take a walk in your neighborhood or walk kids to and from school.

National Walk To School Day. Get exercise with your friends or with kids by walking in the neighborhood or taking the kids to school. 

service ideas in october

5. Think of something nice you can do for someone today.

National Do Something Nice Day. Think of nice things you can do for the people in your lives. Tell someone they look nice today, open doors for people, buy something for a stranger, do something for your neighbors, take your family out for a treat or bring goodies in for your co-workers.

6. Give a gift to your coach or a mentor in your life.

National Coaches Day. Coaches spend a lot of time helping their players develop their skills. Celebrate a coach or a mentor who has impacted your life for the good. Do something for them to show your gratitude for the time they spend helping you grow.

7. Donate to help support victims of human trafficking.

National Inner Beauty Day. This day brings awareness to victims of human trafficking and celebrates the good qualities of those whose inner beauty shines that are often overlooked. Look up the #InnerBeauty Challenge.

8. Find a real local hero in your community to honor or be a hero to someone else.

National Hero Day. Write a thank you note with a gift to give to a hero in your community. Let them know how they have influenced your life. Find someone you can be a hero to. Think about donating blood, volunteering or some other way to help someone in need.

9. Attend a Native American Culture event or museum to get to know more about their culture.

Today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Get to know their culture by going to a museum or event. Read about their history and celebrate them today. Make a connection with Native Americans by shopping at a Trading Post.

service native american culture

10. Discuss Mental health today with your family and friends.

Today is World Mental Health Day. Try to have a discussion about your mental health with the people around you today. Make sure they are okay and help others feel like they can share their feelings with you. Let them know you have their back and are someone they can trust. Look into getting a mental health screening done and share your experience with others so they can do the same.

11. Learn about bullying and how to prevent it.

National Stop Bullying Day. Go to a seminar and learn about bullying. Take your kids or friends with you to help learn more about it and what to do when you see bullying.

12. Honor your local farmers by buying food from them.

National Farmers Day. Go to a local farm with kids and learn how they process their food. Buy their products and thank them for all the hard work they do for the community.

13. October Ideas: Do a puzzle with a friend.

National Train Your Brain Day. Do a Crossword Puzzle, Sudoku, Word Search or some other activity to help stimulate your brain and have a friend join in. 

14. Learn how to make a Hispanic dessert and share it with your family.

National Dessert Day. Make a dessert and share it with your friends and family. It is national Hispanic month. Learn a hispanic dessert from a native and share it with others. Try to learn more about their culture.

empanadas october ideas

15. Remember those who have lost pregnancies and infants today.

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Many people have suffered pregnancy and infancy loss. Reach out to your friends and families who have gone through these losses to show your love and support for them. Send them a note that you are mourning with them or go visit with them and be a listening ear. Check out THIS post for more ideas on how to support them. 

16. Invite a friend to attend or play in a sporting event with you.

Today is National Sports Day. Go to a sporting event or play in one and invite a friend to go with you. Host a sporting event so others can join in on the fun to help you meet new people. Sporting event ideas are to play volleyball, soccer, ultimate frisbee or disc-golf.

17. Make a new pasta dish or take the family out for Italian food.

National Pasta Day. Learn how to make a new pasta dish to make for your family or to take to someone struggling and in need.

18. October Ideas: Invite friends over to have a cupcake contest. 

National Chocolate Cupcake Day. See who has the best cupcakes by inviting friends over to have a cupcake contest. Crown the winner of the best cupcakes and take the cupcakes to five different families who need some extra love today.

cupcakes for service

19. October Ideas: Try and make a new friend today.

National New Friends Day.  Host a gathering with a friend and invite people who don’t get invited to parties as much and get to know them better.

20. Take a friend and go get a mammogram done.

National Mammography Day. Go with a friend to get a mammogram done. Encourage other people to get theirs done by posting on social media your experience of getting one.

21. Do the sweetest acts of service today.

National Sweetest Day. Do sweet acts of service for others today. Take donuts to co-workers, visit older people who might be lonely, take candy to mentors, invite a friend for dinner, pack a lunch for your spouse with a note of the sweetest things they have done for you, cheer up another person with a smile or a joke.

22. Serve your Mother-In-Law today.

National Mother-In-Law Day.  Do something nice for your Mother-In-Law by taking her to dinner or doing something one of one with her. Thank her for things she has done for you. If she has passed away, share a story about her with others and express your appreciation for something she has done for you.

23. Listen to a podcast on ways to serve others.

I-pod Day. Listen to a podcast about serving others and list ways you can help serve someone else. Pick fives of the things you have learned and implement them by serving someone in need.

podcast on serving others

24. Teach your family about the importance of eating nutritious food.

National Food Day. A great service to do for your kids is to teach them how to be healthy and eat nutritious food. Maybe plan a garden with your family or make a food chart to make sure they are getting the correct amount of healthy servings of food they need in a day. 

25. Support your local artist by signing up for an art class.

International Artist’s Day. Take a class from a local artist and invite a friend to go with you. This will help you gain more skills but also a great way to support an artist in your community.

26. Host a pumpkin night with the neighbors.

National Pumpkin Day. Host a pumpkin carving event with the neighbors and have everyone bring some type of food made from pumpkins to share.

27. Make some bread to take to a neighbor or co-worker.

National Breadstick Day. Make some breadsticks to give with dinner to a friend in need. Another idea is to make bread and share it with your co-workers.

make bread for service

28. Take some chocolate to an older couple in your neighborhood.

National Chocolate Day. Buy or learn a new chocolate recipe to make and take to an older couple in your neighborhood to get to know them better. Have a chocolate fondue night with your friends and have them bring food to dip in the chocolate. 

29. October Ideas: Learn the signs for a stroke and what to do to help in an emergency.

World Stroke Day. Learn all you can about the signs of a stroke and what you need to do in case your loved ones show signs of a stroke. The more you know can help save others lives.

30. Hold a banquet to recognize the youth that serve in their communities.

National Speak Up For Service Day. Recognize youth service in the community. Sometimes they go unnoticed but this is a chance to recognize those who serve and lift up others. Hold a dessert banquet to honor the youth and share their stories of serving others.

31. Make Carmel apples and take them to an event for others to enjoy.

National Caramel Apple Day. Today is Halloween. Make some Carmel Apples for neighbors or take them to an event. If you don’t know how to make them, find someone who can teach you or look on YouTube to find videos that show you how to make them. 

october service

There are many different ways to serve people in October. Be creative and serve others by using a fall theme or an event that is happening this month to reach out to someone. 

There are many ideas in this article on how to serve people today. 

Let’s Serve!

This article was all about October ideas to serve others.